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  • Updated for December 2024
  • Based on 2024 NJ commercial driver's license manual

Free NJ CDL Tanker Vehicles Practice Test 2024

So you want to become a tanker truck driver in New Jersey. You’re probably aware of what it takes to obtain a Tank Vehicles (N) endorsement on your Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). There’s a 20-question knowledge test you need to pass before the MVC allows you to operate vehicles designed to transport any liquid or gaseous materials within a tank or tanks having an individual rated capacity of more than 119 gallons and an aggregate rated capacity of 1,000 gallons or more.

You should prepare for this test several weeks in advance, studying liquid cargo handling, liquid surge management, emergency procedures and the pre-trip inspection required before you drive the vehicle. During this time, you’ll explore the fundamentals of commercial driving and its endorsements as explained in the official 2024 CDL manual (New Jersey CDL Handbook 2024).

Since New Jersey offers a wide range of career opportunities for tanker truck drivers, we recommend checking the Hazardous Materials section as well. Refineries in Linden, Perth Amboy, and Bayonne provide plenty of jobs for drivers who hold a CDL with an ”X” endorsement, which consists of the Tank Vehicles (N) and HazMat (H) endorsements pair.

Although the CDL manual provides crucial information for commercial drivers, beginners often find the material too difficult to study. It takes a while to familiarize yourself with this key part of the transportation industry, but studying for your dream career shouldn’t feel like a chore you would prefer to skip. That’s why we provide a series of CDL Tank Vehicles endorsement practice tests specific to the state of New Jersey.

Due to their versatility, you can use them to learn more about this subject. Each practice test comes with a series of features that can significantly enhance your experience and boost your learning journey. After selecting an answer, you will receive immediate feedback consisting of a detailed explanation, so you won’t have to wait until the end of the test to identify and fix your mistakes. And since you get unlimited attempts, don’t be discouraged if you fail. See it as an opportunity to do better and slowly improve your score after each session.

  • Perfect for first-time and renewal CDL/CLP applicants, and those adding endorsements

What you need to know

6 min to complete
Available in EN and ES
Verified by Steven Litvintchouk, M.S., Chief Educational Researcher, Member of ACES. See our detailed commitment to accuracy and quality in our practice tests.

What to expect on the actual NJ MVC exam




correct answers to pass


passing score

List of questions (classic view)

  1. Side-to-side surge can cause
  2. How does liquid surge affect the handling of a tanker?
  3. Hauling liquids in tankers requires special care for which of the following reasons?
  4. How would you expect a truck with a cargo tank that has baffles to handle on the road?
  5. A smooth bore tank is also known as
  6. Empty trucks
  7. A tank endorsement is required for certain vehicles that transport
  8. The best way to take a curve in a tanker is to slow to a safe speed before entering the curve and then _________ as you go through it.
  9. The liquid in a tank with baffles can still have what kind of surge?
  10. You should be very cautious when driving smooth bore tankers, especially when you are
  11. You should know the outage needed for the liquids you carry because
  12. When you load the small tanks of a cargo tank equipped with bulkheads, you should check the
  13. A baffled tanker is one with
  14. You are driving on a clear night. You must dim your headlights from high to low. You should adjust your speed so you can stop within
  15. When your cargo tank has baffles, what handling effect do you expect?
  16. The movement of the liquid in partially filled tanks is called
  17. When should the driver of a tanker that has lost its brakes use a truck escape ramp?
  18. You are driving a tanker truck. The front wheels begin to skid. Which of these is most likely to occur?
  19. An emergency forces you to stop your tanker quickly or crash. You should
  20. Which of these statements about tankers are true?
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